Gray Cook Functional Movement Screen Download

To the FMS™, the future of functional movement screening, and the concept of movement as a system. Key Words: Function, movement screening, movement system Level of Evidence: 5 IJSPT CLINICAL COMMENTARYFUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT SCREENING: THE USE OF FUNDAMENTAL MOVEMENTS AS AN ASSESSMENT OF FUNCTION PART 2 Gray Cook, PT, OCS1 Lee Burton PhD, ATC2. Another of those WhizKid PTs, Gray has singlehandedly changed coaches in every professional sport. Because of Gray, the Functional Movement Screen is now the gold standard screening tool in our industry.” Michael Boyle, author of Advances in Functional Training “The movement of the human. Dec 12, 2015  Movement is a vivid discovery, a fundamental and explicit teaching in which the return to basics takes on a whole new meaning. Windows 7 mtu auto tuning. In it, author Gray Cook crosses the lines between rehabilitation, conditioning and fitness, providing a clear model and a common language under which fitness and rehabilitation professionals can work together.

Upper torso is parallel with tibia or toward v­ ertical Femur below ­horizontal Knees are aligned over f­ eet Dowel aligned over ­feet
2 Upper torso is parallel with tibia or toward v­ ertical Femur is below ­horizontal Knees are aligned over ­feet Dowel is aligned over ­feet Heels are ­elevated
1 Tibia and upper torso are not p ­ arallel Femur is not below ­horizontal Knees are not aligned over ­feet Lumbar flexion is ­noted The athlete receives a score of zero if pain is associated with any portion of this test. A medical professional should perform a thorough evaluation of the painful a­ rea.
Excerpted from the book, Movement: Functional Movement Systems—Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies Copyright © 2010 Gray Cook.
3 Hips, knees and ankles remain aligned in the sagittal ­plane Minimal to no movement is noted in lumbar ­spine Dowel and hurdle remain p ­ arallel
2 Alignment is lost between hips, knees and ­ankles Movement is noted in lumbar ­spine Dowel and hurdle do not remain ­parallel
1 Contact between foot and hurdle ­occurs Loss of balance is n ­ oted
The athlete receives a score of zero if pain is associated with any portion of this test. A medical professional should perform a thorough evaluation of the painful a­ rea.
Excerpted from the book, Movement: Functional Movement Systems—Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies Copyright © 2010 Gray Cook.
Dowel contacts ­maintained Dowel remains ­vertical No torso movement ­noted Dowel and feet remain in sagittal ­plane Knee touches board behind heel of front f­ oot
2 Dowel contacts not ­maintained Dowel does not remain ­vertical Movement noted in ­torso Dowel and feet do not remain in sagittal ­plane Knee does not touch behind heel of front f­ oot
1 Loss of balance is n ­ oted
The athlete receives a score of zero if pain is associated with any portion of this test. A medical professional should perform a thorough evaluation of the painful a­ rea.
Excerpted from the book, Movement: Functional Movement Systems—Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies Copyright © 2010 Gray Cook.
3 Fists are within one hand l­ength
2 Fists are within ­one-­and-­a-­half hand ­lengths
1 Fists are not within one and half hand l­engths
The athlete will receive a score of zero if pain is associated with any portion of this test. A medical professional should perform a thorough evaluation of the painful a­ rea.
Clearing ­Test Perform this clearing test bilaterally. If the individual does receive a positive score, document both scores for future reference. If there is pain associated with this movement, give a score of zero and perform a thorough evaluation of the shoulder or refer o ­ ut.
Excerpted from the book, Movement: Functional Movement Systems—Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies Copyright © 2010 Gray Cook.
Vertical line of the malleolus resides between ­mid-­thigh and ­ASIS The ­non-­moving limb remains in neutral ­position
2 Vertical line of the malleolus resides between m ­ id-­thigh and joint l­ine The ­non-­moving limb remains in neutral p ­ osition
1 Vertical line of the malleolus resides below joint l­ine The ­non-­moving limb remains in neutral p ­ osition
The athlete will receive a score of zero if pain is associated with any portion of this test. A medical professional should perform a thorough evaluation of the painful a­ rea.
Excerpted from the book, Movement: Functional Movement Systems—Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies Copyright © 2010 Gray Cook.
3 The body lifts as a unit with no lag in the ­spine
Men perform a repetition with thumbs aligned with the top of the h ­ ead Women perform a repetition with thumbs aligned with the c­ hin
2 The body lifts as a unit with no lag in the s­ pine Men perform a repetition with thumbs aligned with the c­ hin Women with thumbs aligned with the c­ lavicle
1 Men are unable to perform a repetition with hands aligned with the ­chin Women unable with thumbs aligned with the ­clavicle The athlete receives a score of zero if pain is associated with any portion of this test. A medical professional should perform a thorough evaluation of the painful a­ rea.
Spinal Extension Clearing T ­ est Spinal extension is cleared by performing a ­press-­up in the pushup position. If there is pain associated with this motion, give a zero and perform a more thorough evaluation or refer out. If the individual does receive a positive score, document both scores for future r­ eference.
Excerpted from the book, Movement: Functional Movement Systems—Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies Copyright © 2010 Gray Cook.
2 Performs a correct diagonal r­ epetition
1 Inability to perform a diagonal r­ epetition The athlete receives a score of zero if pain is associated with any portion of this test. A medical professional should perform a thorough evaluation of the painful a­ rea.
Spinal Flexion Clearing T ­ est Spinal flexion can be cleared by first assuming a quadruped position, then rocking back and touching the buttocks to the heels and the chest to the thighs. The hands should remain in front of the body, reaching out as far as possible. If there is pain associated with this motion, give a zero and perform a more thorough evaluation or refer out. If the individual receives a positive score, document both scores for future r­ eference. Excerpted from the book, Movement: Functional Movement Systems—Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies Copyright © 2010 Gray Cook.
Performs a correct unilateral ­repetition

Gray Cook Movement Book

1 This is an expansion of Gray Cook’s 10 Movement Principles described in his book, Movement. To learn more about the book and get more post-publication insights, please visit For more from Gray, visit him at, and for more on movement screening, see Principle #1. HUMAN MOVEMENT. A global community of fitness, healthcare and performance pros is waiting for you to help people first move well, then move often Watch Video. YOUTUBE LIVE RECAP. How To Set Yourself Apart in Online Training with remote training seasoned pro, Mike Deibler, and FMS co.