How To Increase Font Size In Dev C++

Aug 19, 2008  How to increase font size? (Borland 5.5) gAaRa. Can anyone tell me how can i increase the font size of the text appearing on the screen? Is the same possible to be done in Turbo c? You mean the console? If you do, then you can't. Not from the program, anyway. Aug 31, 2010  When you try changing font size, you should first get the CONSOLEFONTINFOEX structure with GetCurrentConsoleFontEx, change the size member and then call SetCurrentConsoleFontEx. I have not progressed into HANDLE's properly yet and have only touched on them whilst using them to set/get clipboard text. Jan 30, 2015  Font size is not a very big deal but i had to post it's code here because we'll be using it to change the fonts of our console in such ratio that will help us making geometric shapes like squares, easily and perfectly.


Retrieves the size of the font used by the specified console screen buffer.




hConsoleOutput [in]
A handle to the console screen buffer. The handle must have the GENERIC_READ access right. For more information, see Console Buffer Security and Access Rights.

nFont [in]
The index of the font whose size is to be retrieved. This index is obtained by calling the GetCurrentConsoleFont function.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is a COORD structure that contains the width and height of each character in the font, in logical units. The X member contains the width, while the Y member contains the height.

If the function fails, the width and the height are zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

How To Increase Text Size In Dev C++

To compile an application that uses this function, define _WIN32_WINNT as 0x0500 or later. For more information, see Using the Windows Headers.


Increase Font Size In Dev C++

Minimum supported client

Windows XP [desktop apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]

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ConsoleApi3.h (via Wincon.h, include Windows.h)





How To Change Text Size In Dev C++

See also